NTA Bauchi Seeks Boycott Of Police Activities

Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) in Bauchi State has called on media organizations to boycott all activities of the state command of the Nigeria Police Force.

Making the call in Bauchi yesterday, NTA’s general manager, Alhaji Sulaiman Ibrahim Ahmad, said the boycott is as a result of “senseless and bodily assault meted against its staff, Halliru Ahmed, in the course of conducting his lawful duty at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Stadium (ATBS), Bauchi.”

He said, “Sunday 6th June 2021 will go down in the history of our profession in Bauchi when an honest young journalist left NTA office, armed with nothing but his camera, microphone and jotter, and of course driver, the desire to bring information to the sitting rooms of Nigerians residing in Bauchi”.

Sulaiman said the NTA reporter, Halliru Ahmed on arrival at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Stadium demanded access to the main bowl of the stadium to cover a match between Wikki Tourist and Akwa United.

He narrated, “Without any form of provocation by the reporter, a policeman by simple name Dauda manning the post of the stadium removed his belt and started beating the defenseless, innocent journalist who in bewilderment, continued to ask the policeman what he had done wrong.”

Alhaji Sulaiman Ahmad explained that this act of unprovoked and unwarranted physical assault on the reporter is not only unacceptable but stands unreservedly condemned, describing it as a blatant attack on the media generally and by extension attack on the nation’s democracy.


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