Police arraign man for alleged rape, assault of 16-year-old

The Nigeria police on Monday arraigned a 22-year-old man, Emmanuel Chukwu, before a Yaba Chief Magistrates’ Court in Lagos for the alleged rape of a 16-year-old girl.

Mr Chukwu, whose address was not provided, pleaded not guilty to the two-count charge of assault and defilement.

Police prosecutor, Thomas Nurudeen, told the court that the accused committed the offences on November 10, 2018, at 11:30 p.m. at No. 16, Anthony Village, Lagos.

Mr Nurudeen said the accused had unlawful carnal knowledge of the girl and told her not to inform anyone about what he did.

“The complainant started noticing some changes in her body and had to confide in her older sister who then discovered that she was pregnant.

“My Lord, when the girl told him about the pregnancy in the presence of her sister, he beat her up for telling her sister about what transpired between him and the girl,” he said.

Mr Nurudeen said the girl was not the first person the accused had defiled in his (accused’s) neighborhood.

The offences contravene Sections 137 and 173 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015 with Section 137 stipulating life imprisonment for offenders.

Ruling, the Chief Magistrate, K.B. Ayeye, granted the accused bail in the sum of N500, 000 with two responsible sureties in like sum.

Mr Ayeye said one of the sureties should be related to the accused while both sureties should show evidence of tax payment to the Lagos State Government.

She adjourned the case until March 4 for mention.

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