Protest: Kano Unity Forum Commiserates Victims of Violence, Urges Govt to Address Economic Hardships

The Kano Unity Forum (KYF), an umbrella of NGOs, has expressed deep sympathy over the violence, vandalism and looting of properties that marred the hunger protest across some parts of Nigeria including Kano State.

This was disclosed in a statement signed by the coalition of the association and made available to newsmen in Kano.

The statement condole with the families who lost their loved ones during the violence and also sympathizes with the victims whose properties were destroyed and looted.

According to the forum, engaging in violence and showdown with the authority has never been an alternative for resolving citizens grievances.

However, they called on the government to do the needful in addressing the ongoing nationwide economic hardships that emerged due to the current administration policies in order to avert similar occurrence in the future.

The statement reads in full below:

Since August 1, 2024 violent protests demanding an end to bad governance erupted in various parts of Nigeria particularly the Northern States. In Kano State it led to loss of lives and properties. We, the Kano Unity Forum, an umbrella of NGO’s take this opportunity to commiserate with those who lost loved ones and their valuable properties during these protests across the country and especially in Kano State.

These protests did not occur in a vacuum, hence we must consider the following:

1. Precipitating Factors: The propaganda for the protests took over a month, thus putting the Federal Government on notice. However, there were conflicting reports from Federal Government officials on the identity of the organizers and there was no engagement with them or even intelligent preparations for responses to violence. This clearly shows that the Federal Government does not understand the frustrations and outlook of the youths, impact of social media especially its influence on perceptions and views, and the power of its connectivity.

2. Preventive Measures: Many individuals and groups had cautioned against the protests that could lead to violence and devastating consequences. Unfortunately those who organized the demonstrations preferred expressing their democratic rights rather than being cautious and avoiding unintended consequences.

3.Government Response:The Federal Government did not adopt a Sovereign approach to this national emergency. The National Assembly went on recess instead of tackling the crisis and the President did not convene any of the advisory institutions for consultations or even seek national consensus with other Political Parties and Civil Society Organisations(CSO’s).

4.Foreign Involvement: The display of foreign flags in the protests signals another dimension of either foreign involvement or intelligence sabotage.

5.Local Dynamics: The nature of the protests in Kano reflects the contradictions of the society living on the edge of approaching total destruction especially with the trooping of thousands of people with negative intentions from neighboring states. The relationship between the Federal Government and the Kano State Government is not healthy and it has been politicized as if Kano State is the only opposition State in Nigeria. This unhealthy relationship aggravated the situation in the State. It also provided the opportunity for some unscrupulous politicians to hijack the protest. It was the timely intervention and cooperation between the Security Agencies, Market Associations and Civil Society Organization that saved Kano from their evil machinations.

Based on these observations, we hereby recommend the following:

a. Dialogue and Engagement: The initiation of dialogue with the aggrieved youths, Civil Society Organizations, leading Political Parties, the National Assembly and the Council of State. This will afford the Government the opportunity to express the concrete steps it is taking to resuscitate the economy and ensure peace and stability in the County.

b. Security Measures: Immediate steps to end banditry in the North West and terrorist activities in the North East and North Central. No excuses are acceptable in this jet age that will continue to allow the total destruction of Northern Nigeria by bandits whether foreign or local.

c. Intelligence Investigation: The National Intelligence Agency should investigate suspected foreign involvement in these protests and the threat to Nigeria’s existence. This is because such involvement brought the destruction of Sudan and Libya and the overthrow of democratically elected Government in Egypt.

d. Social Reforms: Kano State Government should immediately commence holistic and robust social reforms to address youths restiveness and social vices and restore the integrity of the family. There have been several approaches and recommendations in this regardsince the first attempt in 1986 and the last attempt of Muslim Family Law Reform. These should be resuscitated and implemented.

We offer a hand to build a better Kano and the nation at large and influence better choices. We call for working together, Federal Government, State Government, Kano Elders, Ulama and all well-meaning individuals such that action is galvanised and brains synchronised towards moulding our children to be better citizens.

e. Federalism and Governance: In the spirit of true Federalism, the Kano State Government should be allowed to properly function as provided in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. There should be no parallel authority in the State because of different political party affiliations.

f. Community Responsibility: We call on all citizens and parents, to take full responsibility of their wards. All Kano elites need to join hands and assist the Government in ensuring peace in the State and the Nation at large. We must note that the exercise of democratic rights can be done without harming others or providing opportunities for the destruction of the society.

We pray to Allah (SWT) to continue to bless Kano State and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.