Protesters Defy Security, Decry Economic Hardship in Abuja, Lagos, and Osun

Some people yesterday defied the heavy presence of security operatives in Abuja, Lagos, and Osun states to stage protests against what they termed hardship and worsening economic situation in the country.

At the popular Julius Berger roundabout in Abuja, the placard-carrying protesters accused the Federal Government of implementing anti-people policies. They faulted the economic reforms of the government.

Their leader, Deji Adeyanju, who addressed reporters said: “We have gathered here because we believe that the DSS(Department of State Services) should not intimidate Nigerians.

“The DSS should not be the one telling Nigerians when to protest and when not to protest. That is why in defiance of the threat issued by the DSS yesterday(Monday) warning all Nigerians to stay off the protest, we have decided that no matter how few we are we will come and make our grievances known.”

In Lagos, the protesters caused heavy traffic snarl at the Ikeja Underbridge, displayed placards and banners with inscriptions such as, ‘President Tinubu, we want good policies for business people’ and ‘We are hungry do something’

They also sang solidarity songs to express their grievances.

Source:The Nation


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