
The Commissioner of Police, FCT, CP Benneth Igweh disclosed on Thursday that over 300 scavengers popularly known as Baban-bola who rob residents and break into people’s homes have been convicted in court and sent to prison.

Igweh made this known while parading another set of 150 arrested scavengers at the State Anti-Robbery Squad premises noting that the Police action followed numerous petitions and complaints about the criminal activities of the scavengers.

He said, “Following numerous petitions and complaints about the criminal activities of these scavengers, we launched a two-day operation to rid the FCT of the menace. They (Baban-Bola) hide under the guise of scavengers to perpetrate all sorts of evil.”

“They rob people of their phones and personal belongings. They break into people’s homes and steal home appliances. We recovered guns, generators, and Household materials that were stolen from them. We want to clean the city and put a stop to this criminality.”

“This fight to flush them out will continue until the city is clean and clear of the menace of these Baban Bolas. They should go back to where they came from. Everybody should be involved in this fight to clean this city from this type of people (scavengers).

“I have warned that in FCT, it is no longer business as usual. They are involved in all the criminality. All of them were arrested at the scene of a crime with various dangerous weapons, knives, cutlasses, swords, we recovered some guns from some of them.

Commenting on the arrest of Mr. Madu Onuorah, former Abuja Bureau Chief of Guardian Newspapers by the Police in Abuja, CP Igweh said it was true the Police arrested him.

“You see, it is true that the Police work hand in hand with journalists. That does not mean journalists are immune from arrest when they commit an offense.

“The Police from Ebonyi state arrested him based on a petition against him. As Police, we work together provided there is a valid reason for his arrest.

He added that in due course, Ebonyi Police Command will brief the media based on their investigation, as to why he was arrested.

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