The Roles of Nigeria’s Citizens in Promoting Peace and Security, By Kabir Fagge Ali

By Kabir Fagge Ali

For many years, Nigeria has been grappling with multifaceted security challenges, including banditry, insurgency, communal clashes, and other forms of criminality. It is disheartening that traditional approaches have fallen short, highlighting the need for innovative strategies rooted in community involvement.

This issue of insecurity has continuously threatened peace and unity on a daily basis. It is gratifying that, amidst these challenges, lies a potent solution, i.e., the power of the citizenry.

Nigeria is a diverse country with a high population across various ethnic tribes, religions, and geographical locations.

As a unified community, it is imperative that we acknowledge our collective responsibility for ensuring the safety and security of our societies. Vigilance is key in any circumstance we encounter. People must remain alert and proactive, ready to contribute positively to support the efforts of security agencies. By actively engaging and cooperating with law enforcement, we can effectively assist in the seamless execution of their operations.

Meanwhile, it is imperative and crucial at this juncture to outline some tips that need to be remembered always in order to avoid being victims of Nigeria’s insecurity and insurgency.

a. Information Consciousness: Stay updated on the latest security developments in your area. Follow reputable news sources and official government channels for accurate information about potential threats.

b. Environmental Scanning: Stay vigilant and pay attention to your surroundings, especially in public places. Notice any suspicious behavior or unfamiliar individuals and report them to authorities if necessary.

c. Avoid High-Risk Areas: When possible, avoid travelling to or through high-risk areas known for insurgent activities, banditry, or terrorism. Plan your routes in advance and stick to well-travelled roads and populated areas.

d. Travel in Groups: Whenever feasible, travel in groups rather than alone. There is safety in numbers, and a group is less likely to be targeted by criminals or terrorists.

e. Maintain Communication: Keep family members or trusted contacts informed of your whereabouts and travel plans. Establish regular check-ins and have a means of communication, such as a mobile phone or satellite communicator, in case of emergencies.

f. Blend in: Avoid drawing attention to yourself by dressing modestly and avoiding flashy jewellery or expensive belongings. Try to blend in with the local population to avoid standing out as a potential target.

g. Secure Your Residence: Ensure that your home or place of residence is secure. Install sturdy locks, alarms, and security cameras if possible. Be cautious about sharing personal information or your location on social media platforms.

h. Be Prepared: Have a safety kit or keep a stocked emergency kit with essentials such as water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, and important documents.

i. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels wrong or suspicious, trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation. Avoid confrontations with individuals who may pose a threat, and seek help from authorities if needed.

On the other hand, the government can also play a pivotal role by implementing some of these recommended tips to raise awareness among citizens and provide support wherever needed.

i. Community Policing Initiatives: encouraging communities to take ownership of their security through local policing efforts. This not only enhances surveillance but also builds trust between law enforcement and citizens.

ii. Education and Awareness Campaigns: Equipping citizens with the tools to identify and report suspicious activities. Educational programmes on conflict resolution and tolerance can mitigate intergroup tensions and promote unity.

iii. Empowerment Programmes: Engaging youth in productive activities, such as vocational training and entrepreneurship, to steer them away from crimes and extremism is very essential. Empowered youth serve as ambassadors for peace and stability.

iv. Leveraging Technology: In the digital age, technology can be a powerful ally in enhancing citizen participation. Platforms such as mobile apps and online reporting systems facilitate real-time communication between citizens and authorities, enabling swift responses to security threats.

v. Building National Solidarity: Unity is the bedrock of a resilient nation. Nigeria’s diverse population can be its greatest strength if harnessed effectively. National unity initiatives, such as cultural exchanges and interfaith dialogues, promote understanding and cohesion across ethnic and religious divides.

Notwithstanding, Nigeria stands at a crossroads, where the collective action of its citizens can steer the nation towards peace and unity. By embracing citizen empowerment, leveraging technology, and fostering national solidarity, the country can overcome its security challenges and emerge stronger than ever before.

It is through this collaborative approach that we can foster safer and more secure environments for all members of our community. Together, let us stand as one in our commitment to safeguarding our neighbourhoods and nation.

Moreover, it is essential to commend our military, police, and all other dedicated security agencies for their unwavering commitment and selfless sacrifices in service to our beloved nation. Their tireless efforts and bravery in risking their lives to protect ours do not go unnoticed, and we are immensely grateful for their invaluable contributions to maintaining peace and security across our country.

Kabir Fagge Ali is a youth corps member with PRNigeria center and wrote via [email protected]