The Kaduna State chapter of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria has protested against alleged harassment and extortion by operatives of the National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency.

The pharmacists alleged that the agency intimidates, carries out illegal arrests and demands bribes from its members.

While addressing a press conference on Friday, the State Chairman of the PSN, Sunday Okoh, stated that the incessant harassment of pharmacists in the state by the NDLEA is becoming unbearable.

Okoh, “We wish to use this medium to draw the attention of the federal and state governments as well as relevant stakeholders and the general public to the incessant harassment of members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Kaduna State Command for some time now and we say enough is enough.”

The association urged the NDLEA to respect patients’ rights and allow pharmacists to carry out their statutory roles.

“All over the planet Earth, the right to medications (life) is fundamental. It is worthy of note that pharmacists are licensed to import, export, mix, compare, dispense, counsel, sell, procure, and distribute drugs and poisons (PCN Establishment Act 2022).

“Times without number the NDLEA has unduly, illegally, and unprofessionally obstructed and hindered these life-saving roles only to feather their nest, exploit Nigerians, collect bribes, and force their victims to give assent that bail is free after collecting millions of naira.

“Law enforcement agents have become lawbreakers. What a shame! Enough is enough, NDLEA. Allow pharmacists to do their work.

It added, “Arresting pharmacists and obstructing bail application in the name of ongoing investigations, confiscating prescription drugs at pharmacies and placing a seal on the pharmacies can no longer go down the throat”.

Okoh added that Pharmacists are legal entities and many patients’ medications are stored with them, adding that “sealing up pharmacies is as good as denying the citizens the right to life.”

PSN also called on the National Assembly and the Presidency to curtail the excesses of NDLEA in the state.

The PSN lamented that in the past four months, the NDLEA allegedly harassed five of its members, raiding premises and seizing products in transit.

“Even when you identify yourself as a pharmacist, they will pick you up and lock you up, then you go through negotiations, and that is the challenge we have. There is one (incident) that happened about two weeks ago. The consignment (of drugs) was intercepted along the road. They followed the product to the pharmacy and picked up the pharmacist and the boys in the shop.

“The pharmacist was released after some days following persistent follow up trying to let them know that the person is a pharmacist but they were not ready to listen. We are not saying our erring members should not be apprehended when they indulge in illegalities. As an association, we also have a mechanism for checkmating our members

“We have our laws and ethics. If they find some of us wanting, let them follow due process and operate within the provisions of the law.

Reacting to the allegations, the state Commandant of the NDLEA, Samaila Danmalam, told Arise TV that as far as he was concerned, the NDLEA would not allow anyone who violates the law to go free.

“My only comment is, if you do wrong, NDLEA will not let you go scot-free. If you are doing the wrong thing, the law should take its course, “he stated.