PRNigeria Unveils National Security Strategies
PRNigeria Unveils National Security Strategies

PRNigeria Unveils Book on National Security Strategies

The Image Merchants Promotions Limited, IMPR, publishers of PRNigeria and Economic Confidential has unveiled a book on National Security Strategies.

This was done at a colorful ceremony to mark the end of IMPR’s staff annual retreat held in Kano.

Authored by Ya’u Mukhtar Madobi, the 179 page book, titled; “National Security Strategy: A Young Writer’s Perspective” was a compendium of forty-two weekly published articles on security, emergency and response issues.

While emphasizing on the content and relevance of the book to the present security situation, Madobi noted that National Security does not only entails the protection of lives and properties of people, but also go in a wider dimension to include security in education, transportation, health, economy, infrastructures, environment, food and agriculture, politics, religion, culture, society etc.

“The idea behind writing this book was born out of desire to call the attention of the concerned authorities to the ever-unfolding security challenges facing the country with a hope of changing the narratives.” Madobi stated.

Meanwhile, the author has previously conducted a number of investigative reports on security issues related to banditry and kidnapping in Northwestern and North Central regions of Nigeria.

His first expedition was at Chonoko Village, in Zuru Emirate of Kebbi State where he reported on the plights of over 10,000 IDPs in that banditry-ravaged community.

In addition, he also undertook another investigation on how banditry and kidnapping has affected the livelihoods of Kagara residents in Niger State respectively.

The retreat was an annual ritual convened to review the activities of the preceding year and to set out a roadmap for achieving targeted goals for the upcoming year across various titles.

This year’s retreat ended with a conference in which the media and general public were briefed on the success stories of the IMPR brand in the outgoing year.

In his part while unveiling the book, Chairman, Board of Directors, Image Merchant Promotions (IMPR) Limited and Editor-in-Chief of PRNigeria, Dr. Sule Ya’u Sule, commended the author for documenting those articles as a book and conducting the two investigative reportings on humanitarian situations of IDPs in Kebbi Niger States.

He also applauded PRNigeria and other media subsidiaries of IMPR for the strides they have recorded in disseminating factual and authoritative reportage on Nigeria’s defence/security terrain, together with other critical national sectors.

By PRNigeria